Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Battle Report 2: Latari vs. Daqan

Welcome to the second Battle Report here at Impact 3! I was able to get two games in at this week's local Runewars night, with the first game featuring my Latari list discussed in the various Learning to Play articles up against Colby, another one of the local Daqan players. This was my first time playing against Colby and my first time against Rune Golems, so I was looking forward to seeing how Daqan played when piloted by someone other than my usual Daqan opponent as well as testing out the changes I had made to my list. The full lists for this game were:

Latari - "Impacts All Around 2.0" (200pts)
Aliana of Summersong
- Malcorne's Bequest
- Ambush Predator

2x Leonx Riders (2x2)
- Bull Pennon
- Ranked Discipline

Deepwood Archers (3x2)
- Maegan Cyndewin
- Support Aymhelin Scion

2x Aymhelin Scion (1x1)

Daqan (200pts)
Kari Wraithstalker
- Fortunas Dice

2x Heavy Crossbowmen (3x1)
- Tempered Steel
- Marching Cornicen
- Rank Discipline

Spearmen (3x2)
- Lance Corporal
- Shield Wall
- Aggressive Cornicen

2x Rune Golem (1x1)

Set Up:
Deployment: Unprepared
Objective: Confluence of Magic
Terrain used: 1x Stronghold, 1x Crumbling Wall, and 1x Spikes

Disclaimer: For those observant readers, we deployed the Spikes upside down as a Rocky Outcrop, but we played it correctly as Spikes and it did not have an impact on the game.

Terrain and Objectives:
As both Colby and I were running 200pt lists, we randomly determined who would get to choose first player. I won the roll off, and I chose 2nd so that I could have the longer board edge since I was not particularly worried about where the various terrain features went and only needed to place one of them to hopefully block the middle of the board and get proper use out of the Support Scion. So with the sides decided, Colby deployed the Stronghold to the right of the center pretty much halfway between our board edges. I wanted to force his Spearmen out to one of the flanks and hopefully avoid them as long as possible, so I deployed the Crumbling Wall at the minimum distance allowed to the left of the Stronghold. With this distance, all 2 wide units and less would be able to fit between the two pieces of terrain, but none of the various 3 wide units would. Colby then responded by continuing the line of terrain across the middle of the board by placing the Spikes on the left side of the table centered between our back board edges. He made sure to place this far enough away that he would be able to fit his Spearmen between the Spikes and the Crumbling Wall if needed.

After setting up the terrain, we each placed our 3 objective tokens. He placed his three pretty much in a straight line in front of my deployment zone spread out between the various terrain. I place my three along a straight line as well but went for a more extreme approach by placing one on each far end of the board and one in the center to try and force a unit to come through the middle. At this point, I was hoping that we would end up with our ranged units across from each other behind the center pieces of terrain. If I got lucky and got the first shot off, I could hopefully remove enough models from one unit of Crossbowmen and then switch over and focus fire down the other unit afterwards. Spoiler: it doesn't work out as planned.

Because we were both running lists with 6 units, and Colby was going first, he deployed first. I don't remember the exact order of all of the deployment, but essentially, he began by placing a unit of Crossbowmen in the center so they could get to either side of the board depending on my deployment. I started deployment by placing a unit of Leonx Riders on each of the flanks planning to redeploy one of them depending on how Colby deployed. He ended up skewing towards the left side of the table by placing his Spearmen, 2nd unit of Crossbowmen, and Kari on that side with his two Golems be placed on either side of the Crossbowmen on the right. I deployed more symmetrically with a Scion joining each unit of Leonx Riders on each flank and placing my Archers in the center of the board with Aliana on the far right flank.
Deployment prior to the redeployment of my Leonx Riders granted from Aliana's special ability. Aliana is deployed to the far right just out of frame for this picture. The battle lines have been drawn with pretty symmetrical deployment spread across the full table.

Post Deployment:
After we finished deploying, I shifted my unit of Leonx Riders from the left side of the board to the far right. My thought behind doing so was that he had skewed so hard to that side that I did not have enough to back my Leonx Riders and the unit would quickly get shot off the board or charged by the Spearmen and be giving up free points. I was hoping that by skewing to the opposite side, I would be able to leverage my maneuverability to flank around the right side with both units of Leonx Riders and Aliana while whittling down his units with the Archers.
After realizing my unit of Leonx Riders deployed on the left had little chance of surviving the Spearmen, Crossbowmen, and Kari deployed across from them, I shifted the unit to the far right to hopefully overpower that flank and use it to collapse on the rest of his army.

Round 1:
Runes: 4x Unstable, 2x Natural, 1x Stable
This round was predominantly focused on positioning for future rounds. On the right side, I dialed in a 2 March/Reform with the left side Leonx Riders, a 2 Shift/Reform with Aliana, and a 4 March/Reform with the right side Leonx Riders. The idea behind these moves was to set them up to all be able to threaten Colby's right flank and hopefully not block each other in the process. The Scion on the right got a 3 March/Defense so that he would be able to get out in front of the left side Leonx Riders to block any potential charges coming in. My Archers got a Shift/Shift so that they would be able to position themselves to either side and respond to Colby's movements. The left side Scion got a Ranged Attack/Reform just in case anything came screaming up the table on that side and so he could begin to angle around the terrain and hopefully slow down the Spearmen.

Colby surprised me here by moving his center Golem way up the board using the Unstable Runes March to move 4 and position to get into my Archers. Everything else of his repositioned with the Spearmen beginning the long process of getting around my left flank. One key thing the Spearmen were able to do throughout the game is pick up several objective tokens. There was an ongoing joke that these were some extremely magical Spearmen. I believe they ended the game with 3 of the 6 objective tokens and allowed Colby to really manipulate the Runes much more than I expected him to.
Everything spends the first round getting into position. I was feeling good at this point with my Deepwood Archers set up to provide covering fire for the Leonx Riders and Aliana who looked like they would be able to pretty easily take over the right flank. Additionally, the Spearmen appeared to be too far away to be relevant any time soon. I felt I had set up for a successful start to the game.

Round 2:
Runes: 4x Unstable, 2x Natural, 1x Stable
At this point, I am feeling fairly happy with how I have set things up, and I think I am in a pretty decent spot to start closing off the right flank. To do so, I dial in another 4 March/Reform with the Leonx Riders on the far right, a 4 March/Reform with Aliana, and a Shift/Shift with the Leonx Riders on the left in hopes of positioning them just out of the Crossbowmen's range and in a position to act as a 2nd wave. Both Scions do something to try not to die (doesn't work) and the Archers dial in a Ranged Attack/Surge to try and kill off the Golem charging at me.

Unfortunately things fall apart pretty quickly here. I had failed to check the distance between the Deepwood Archers and the Golem the turn before, and the Golem is able to get a charge off due to the 4 Unstable Runes still showing. With the Archers now engaged and not having Close Quarters combat, they are very sad Archers. The left side Scion gets shot by Kari who uses Fortunas Dice to dial in the correct side on the white die and kill him off while the right side Scion is shot off the table by the Crossbowmen on the right. My units on the right flank continue to position, but Colby has positioned a Rune Golem in the way where I will not be able to get any decent charges onto the Crossbowmen without getting blow up by them on the way in. The Spearmen on the left continue their march across the board to hopefully do something before the end of the game, and the left side Crossbowmen continue to position and collapse the left flank.
After some poor positioning the previous round, I have lost both of my Scions and the Deepwood Archers are now engaged with a Rune Golem and within range of one unit of Crossbowmen.

Round 3:
Runes: 4x Unstable, 2x Natural, 1x Stable
Things begin to go from bad to worse here. First off, I tried to get creative with my Archers by dialing in a March 1/Reform on initiative 3 (prior to the Rune Golem's melee attack), both of which would be cancelled due to not being able to March while engaged and having a stun token to cancel the reform. I dialed this in to get the early initiative thinking I would then shift out of combat using the Support Scion ability since I was still in range of the Overgrown terrain. Spoiler, I forgot to read the card... You cannot use the Support Scion shift to disengage. Sad Archers. As for the rest of my army, the two units of Leonx Riders and Aliana continue to position around trying to avoid being shot while also lining up a possible charge into something useful.

The turn plays out about as poorly as the previous turn. All of Colby's units on the left reposition and begin to collapse on the left flank. The Crossbowmen on the right and the Golem engaging my Archers finish off my entire back rank after I fail to disengage due to my failure to read. Aliana moves forward since I'm not sure what I want her to do, and the two units of Leonx Riders continue to wait around forgoing the charges on the Golem for fear of getting shot by the Crossbowmen. I feel like I probably misplayed this since a decent charge from the Leonx Riders would have been able to kill off the Golem and the Crossbowmen were already shooting at the Archers instead. I probably should have committed and began to chew through his units this turn, but I failed to do so for fear of getting blown up by the Crossbowmen. If you haven't played against those guys, they HURT!!!
My Deepwood Archers continue to be misplayed and killed off while everything else is positioning for future rounds.

Round 4:
Runes: 4x Unstable, 2x Natural, 1x Stable
My Archers are pretty much toast at this point, so they dial in something meaningless. Aliana dials in a March 2/Defense with the plan of jumping into the terrain piece in front of me and threatening more of the board. My unprimed unit of Leonx Riders dial in a Shift/Reform so they can turn around and deal with the units now coming in on the flank. The other unit of Leonx Riders finally decide it is time to charge in, so they dial in a charge on initiative 4.

The plan goes about as well as it can at this point. Aliana successfully jumps into the terrain, the unprimed unit of Leonx Riders repositions themselves to deal with the units coming around the back while also staying out of range of the Crossbowmen, and the primed unit of Leonx Riders charge in on the Golem getting the flank and managing to stay out of line of sight of the Crossbowmen right in front of them. They unfortunately fail to kill the Golem who then eats 3 members of the unit. On the left side, the Spearmen continue to advance up, the Golem, Kari, and the right unit Crossbowmen finish off the Archers, and the left unit of Crossbowmen begin to close in.
The Deepwood Archers have finally been eliminated and the first unit of Leonx Riders have committed in on the Rune Golem. Aliana and Kari are both now in terrain are staring each other down.

Round 5:
Runes: 4x Unstable, 1x Natural, 1x Stable
Going into this round, we are only half way through the game, and it is pretty much over for Latari. I am now at the point where I don't have enough left to chew through his army, and he still has his entire army on the table. It is getting to the point where I just need to conserve points and do my best not to get completely obliterated. To that end, I dial in a Shift/Reform with Aliana to get her out of the terrain. The Leonx Riders engaged with the Rune Golem dial in a Melee Attack/Reform. The back Leonx Riders dial in a Shift/Shift once I confirm they are outside of a 4 Charge from the Rune Golem so they can set up the charge for the next round.

I misplay the Leonx Riders engaged with the Golem here forgetting they had an Inspiration token and do not clear off the Stun token they picked up at some point from the Golem. They are able to kill off the Golem, but because they did not clear the Stun token, they are not able to position for a charge into the Crossbowmen the next turn. Kari jumps out of her terrain to begin to threaten Aliana who then responds by jumping out of her terrain and threatening the Crossbowmen after several minutes of contemplating jumping out the way I had come and running away. Importantly, Aliana reforms so she is not contacting the terrain she just exited. Both units of Crossbowmen durdle around preparing for future turns while the remaining Rune Golem Shifts/Rallies and the Spearmen begin to close in behind him to kill anything that gets through the Golem. Importantly, the Spearmen now have their 3 Objective Tokens and are easily manipulating the Runes as needed.
The Leonx Riders finish off the Rune Golem protecting the right flank and Aliana sets up to threaten the Crossbowmen unit before they can shoot my Leonx Riders. Everything else continues to position.

Round 6:
Runes: 4x Unstable, 0x Natural, 2x Stable
Alright, so my goal this round is to not lose Aliana to shooting while positioning my Leonx Riders for charges in the coming rounds. A key point here is that Aliana does not lose Ambush Predator until she makes an attack. This means she can engage other units and still not be shot as long as she does not attack them. This seems like a decent way to protect the primed Leonx Riders so I dial in a 2 March/Defense on initiative 3 to engage the Crossbowmen. The primed Leonx Riders then dial in a 2 March/Reform to prepare for the charge next turn, and I the unprimed Leonx Riders get a 4 March/Shift so they can react to whatever the Golem does.

Again, this plan goes about as planned. Kari marches forward to enter the terrain Aliana had just vacated the previous turn. The remaining Rune Golem is able to get a charge onto the unprimed Leonx Riders who lose 1 model and then shift out of combat. Aliana engages the Crossbowmen effectively cancelling their reform since Colby doesn't want to give me the flank unnecessarily, and the rear unit of Crossbowmen have a cancelled dial when there is nothing they can see to shoot at. The Spearmen continue to March across the back of the board and play around with the Runes, but I don't think any are changed this time.
In an unexpected move, Aliana engages the front unit Crossbowmen but does not attack them yet so as to not be shot by the 2nd unit of Crossbowmen. Everything else continues to play the positioning game and sets up for the final two rounds.

Round 7:
Runes: 4x Unstable, 0x Natural, 2x Stable
This turn, I am hoping to do something a little out of the box with Aliana and kill off Kari. I actually went to consult someone who knows the rules much better than I, and after searching the rules reference a little, we were not able to find anything that says you cannot perform a Shift/Charge out of combat as long as you obey all the rules for disengaging, namely, that you move directly away from the unit you are disengaging from. After confirming this was a legal move, I dial in a Shift/Charge with Aliana, and Charges with both of my units of Leonx Riders.

Things go pretty much according to plan here. Going in initiative order, Kari took a shot at my primed unit of Leonx Riders whittling them down to a single tray. The engaged unit of Crossbowmen made a melee attack against Aliana doing 1 wound to her. The 2nd unit of Crossbowmen had expected Aliana to attack on initiative 3 which would have allowed them to shoot her. However, as she was not Charging until initiative 6, they had nothing they could see to shoot at this round. Additionally, the Golem had expected the Leonx Riders to charge in early, but because I held it until initiative 7, the Golem swung his big rock fists at thin air with a melee attack on initiative 5. Aliana then caught Colby off guard with her unorthodox disengage shift charge and did 2 wounds to her. The primed unit of Leonx Riders then charge into the Crossbowmen and killed off only a single member are able to trigger Loss of Faith with their Impact 2 causing Colby to remove the tray on the far left to keep my Leonx Riders engaged with the tray on the far right. The unprimed unit of Leonx Riders charged into the Golem and were able to finish it off. Unfortunately, in doing so, I cleared the path for the Spearmen to charge in and kill off the entire back row of the Leonx Riders.
Aliana catches Colby off guard with her Shift/Charge to disengage from the Crossbowmen and complete the charge against Kari. The front unit of Crossbowmen get charged by some Leonx Riders while the other unit of Riders kill the remaining Rune Golem and get charged by Spearmen for it.

This was the setup prior to Aliana charging Kari. Notice that she is positioned in such a way that a shift directly away from the Crossbowmen will cause her to contact the terrain behind her and thus complete a successful charge against Kari.

Round 8:
Runes: 4x Unstable, 0x Natural, 2x Stable
So, looking at the table, Aliana is most likely going to die this turn to the back unit of Crossbowmen. Because she has an automatic Mortal wound on her melee attack though, she should be able to kill off Kari before she goes so I dial in a Melee Attack for her. The Spearmen are hoping to kill off the remaining unprimed Leonx Riders, and realizing I am not going to be able to kill enough of them to be worth losing the unit, I plan for a tactical retreat on initiative 3 with a March/Shift knowing the March does nothing, but the shift will allow me to disengage and hopefully avoid any retaliation. As for the other unit of Leonx Riders, they are stuck in melee with the Crossbowmen who hopefully won't be able to kill them off. I'm hoping to roll hot enough to take out another tray, but most likely neither of us are going to die here.

There isn't too much to talk about for this turn as pretty much everything went as expected. Colby was surprised to see the unprimed Leonx Riders disengage, but he agreed it was the correct play to try and save a few points. Aliana was able to take out Kari before she valiantly fell to the Crossbowmen, and neither my primed Leonx Riders or his engaged Crossbowmen were able to do any real damage to each other.
The final game state after Aliana finishes off Kari and is in turn finished off by the rear unit of Crossbowmen. Both units of Leonx Riders are able to survive until the end to save me from being completely obliterated.

- Daqan Units Destroyed: 80pts

- Latari Units Destroyed: 168pts

Daqan win with a Margin of Victory of 88pts good for a 8/3 win.

So looking back at this game, I made a HUGE mistake Round 1 in my positioning of the Archers that was pretty much unnecessary. That being said, Colby played it perfectly and took advantage of it to make sure I never had a chance to get back into the game. I do feel that I was able to rebound and play the second half of the game much better than the first, but by this point, I was so far behind, it was really just limiting the damages rather than fighting for a win. Overall, this was a pretty brutal game for me, and I really learned a lot from it. I really enjoyed getting to play a different Daqan player than I usually do as Colby was more aggressive and brought some very different units to the table than I typically see. I am looking forward to playing him again sometime and seeing if I can't keep my Archers a little bit safer.

In looking at my list after the game, I think I really want to change up my Deepwood Archers unit. I'm not sure where I am going to find the points, but I would really like to swap out the Support Scion for the Frontline Scion and add both Wind Rune and Lay of the Land. This is a 12pt increase for the unit though, so it will take some creativity to find the room for all of these upgrades. With all of that being said though, Colby and I cleaned up, and I set up to play a fellow Latari player in the mirror match. I hope to have that battle report up in the next few days. Until next time though, may the Morale deck always flip in your favor!


  1. Just a thought for you. I think you are using the Latari ineffectively here. The list you've built is not a "go get them list". The lenox riders are glass cannons. Your archers are potent only at range. The scions are speedbumps. I suggest playing more conservatively. Force the battle where you want it to be. Use the speedbumps to immobilize/hold up an aggressive player. Don't send your lenox off to charge into the flanks. Keep them back to blast units threatening yours. Keep the archers - at range. It's the only place they can do anything for you. Use the terrain to block line of sight. First turn position yourself to receive a threat rather than impose one. The latari are mobile and shooty, but shatter quickly if played over aggressively. Just my two cents. I hope your next match goes better. Great report by the way.

    1. Sorry it took me so long to respond to this. I thought I had notifications set up to receive emails when comments were posted, but apparently I did not. I definitely think you are correct though. I misplayed the Leonx Riders in this list, and I was not able to protect the Archers as well as I should have. I've been trying out several new lists and units since Regionals at the end of June, and I am finding the more conservative I play, the better I do with most lists/units.
